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Story of Gold-D

DOB: 22 Feb 2000
AHA: 16 Mar 2014
RIP:   12 Mar 2017

Gold-D was a senior cat abandoned in a Singapore car park.
His innocent, trusting and sweet nature made him a natural target for cat abusers. Lucky for him, he caught the attention of a Mettacats volunteer who quickly rescued him on 4 Feb 2014.


With that, Gold-D became a resident of Mettacats shelter. At the shelter, Gold-D was very easy going and got along very well with the other cat residents.

A few months after Gold-D arrived at Mettacats, we discussed with them about having another cat. At that time, Ken Ken was in our shop and we were concerned that he might be lonely. So, we decided to find a companion for Ken Ken.

Considering that Gold-D was a very easy going cat, Mettacats felt he will click with Ken Ken so on 16 March 2014, Gold-D arrived at AHA.

Ken Ken meets Gold-D

Gold-D saw Ken Ken for the first time and was very friendly but Ken Ken was a little reserved. A few days later, when Ken Ken was napping, Gold-D went forward to cuddle Ken Ken. They groomed each other and began to bond.

Ken Ken and Gold-D became very affectionate with each other and would groom or cuddle as they sleep, play, eat and rest together.

Gold-D is a FIV+ cat

Gold-D is FIV+ and probably because of his age, his immune system was not very good and required regular medical attention. We also decided on acupuncture treatment to boost his immunity system. It is more holistic and does not have the negative effects of steriods.

In fact, Gold-D began losing weight and the vet said that if the trend continued, it might be a sign of cancer. Sometimes, Gold-D would not eat so whatever he was willing to consume became very critical.

Gold-D of Gold-D brand

We also began looking into the food and ingredients that we fed him to make sure that whatever he chose to eat is nutritious and beneficial to him. Going through that process came the idea of our own brand of food so that we know that he is getting good quality nutrition.

Ken Ken decided to name the food Gold-D to cheer him up.

Around the time when we launched Gold-D brand, Gold-D began recovering. It was a great relief to us. His immune system had improved and he began putting on weight.

Gold-D is the face of Tuna and vegetable in sauce

Gold-D the big brother

As we adopt and rescued more cats, Gold-D became an affectionate big brother caring for the little ones. Some of the cats like Orange was very sick and Gold-D would groom them and stay next to them.

When we took Francis home for palliative care, Gold-D would observe whenever we attend to Francis. Eventually, Gold-D decided to cuddle Francis and helped him live the last days of his life with love and concern.

Kidney failure

In early 2017, Gold-D was diagnosed with kidney failure and despite daily sub cut, subsequent rounds of intravenous treatment and hormone injection, his condition did not improve. Gold-D passed away peacefully on the morning of 12 March 2017.

In loving memory of Gold-D

Gold-D is an amazing and very special cat full of affection and concern for people and cats around him. The images of Gold-D cuddling a dying Francis moved many people. While it is truly amazing, it is also something that is very Gold-D. He is that kind of caring cat.

Despite such a short time together, Gold-D left such a big impression on us. We are very lucky to be able to care for and to love him.

Ken Ken and Gold-D inspired our documentary “We are not a nuisance!” We hope their story can inspire people to adopt instead of buying their pets.

It is also worth mentioning that Gold-D despite being FIV+ passed away at an old age of 17 and the cause of death is kidney failure not related to FIV.
Please give FIV+ cats a chance. They are equally precious.

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Gold-D cuddles with Ken Ken

Resting with Ken Ken

Gold-D at acupuncture session
Gold-D grooms Ken Ken

Gold-d with Henry
Gold-D and Jonah

Gold-D and Francis

In loving memory of Gold-D
Gold-D and his documentary
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102F Pasir Panjang Road
#04-03 Citilink Warehouse
Singapore 118530
Tel: +65-81272723
Website: www.ahasg.com
Facebook: Animal Human Alliance
E mail: pets@ahasg.com

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